Transport Chair Vs Wheelchair: A Guide For Mobility Needs

Written By Cardiologist
Transport Chair Vs Wheelchair: A Guide For Mobility Needs

Whether you are in your home or at work, there might come a time when you will need to move around in your wheelchair. In such situations, getting out of your wheelchair and into a transport chair might not be the best idea.

A transport chair is also known as a hospital or doctor’s chair. This mobility device is mainly used by people who have disabilities and need help moving from one place to another.

A transport chair differs fundamentally from a standard wheelchair because wheelchairs come with large wheels, so users can propel themselves. In contrast, transport chairs have smaller wheels designed to be pushed from behind by a caregiver.

The Differences Between Wheelchairs And Transport Chairs

Folded Up
Transport chairs are designed to be lightweight and easy to maneuver.
Transport chairs typically have four small wheels.
The seat on a transport chair is often higher off the ground.
Most transport chairs do not have brakes.
In most cases, the footrests on a transport chair can be removed.
Folded Up
Transport chairs can be folded up so that they can be stored and transported easily.
On most transport chairs, the armrests are fixed.
It is not recommended to sit for extended periods of time on transport chairs.
The cost of transport chairs is generally lower than the cost of other types of chairs.
Wheelchairs are built for durability and stability.
Wheelchairs have two larger ones in the back and two smaller ones in the front.
The seat on a Wheelchair is often lower off the ground as compared to a transport chair.
All wheelchairs have them to keep the user from rolling away.
A person in a wheelchair is usually not required to do so.
Folded Up
Wheelchairs are often bulkier and more difficult to store than other types of equipment.
It is possible to adjust or remove armrests from a wheelchair.
It is possible to use wheelchairs for a long period of time.
Wheelchairs are a little more expensive than other types of transport chairs.

What Is A Wheelchair?

A manual wheelchair is a device you can use to move around when you cannot walk unaided. It can also use for longer duration sitting when you need to rest or cannot stand for long periods.

What Is A Wheelchair?

There are many wheelchairs available in the market, and it is good to know which is best for you. Some of the standard features of wheelchairs include a footrest, seatbelt, push handles, and a backrest.

Many wheelchairs also come with a cupholder, a pouch to store your things, speakers, and a place to charge your phone.

Transport wheelchairs are designed to be used indoors and outdoors. They have rubber tires and are foldable, lightweight, and easy to store. There are various types of wheelchairs available in the market. They can be categorized by the person’s height, weight, ability, and kind of disability.

There are chairs for children, teenagers, and adults. Wheelchairs also come in different sizes and colors, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Most Wheelchairs can be used when you have an injury, a joint problem, or an illness that affects your ability to walk.

They can also use for people who have a temporary condition like pregnancy, leg swelling, or a medical condition that makes it difficult for them to walk.

Benefits Of A Wheelchair

When choosing a wheelchair, finding one that fits your body and can be adjusted according to your needs is essential.

Comfort – Wheelchairs are designed for comfort and are easy to sit in for hours. Arthritis patients will find this especially helpful.
Freedom – Wheelchairs are designed for indoor and outdoor use. People who use wheelchairs can move around freely and go to places with limited accessibility. –
Affordable – Wheelchairs come at different prices depending on the features and materials used, making it easy to find a wheelchair that fits your budget.
Helps in healing – Wheelchairs can be used when recovering from injuries or having surgery. Making it easier to move around and heal helps in the healing process.

What Is A Transport Chair?

A transport chair is a wheelchair used for short distances moving from one place to another, and it is a manual chair with a foldable armrest with wheels.

This chair can be easily pushed by another person and folded and carried when not in use. A transport chair also comes with a sling that allows a person to be safely and comfortably transported.

Transport chair features are primarily used in hospitals and clinics as patient transfer chairs.

What Is A Transport Chair?

Transport chairs require for people who need help moving around and have limited mobility. It has extra features such as a headrest, footrest, a pouch to store belongings, and a seatbelt.

This chair is designed to be used indoors and can be easily transported when folded. It has wheels and can be used on both rough and smooth surfaces.

Transport chairs come in different colors and sizes, so you can choose the one that fits your body.

You can also choose a wheelchair for indoor and outdoor use, as some chairs are made for both user. Those unable to walk due to an injury, joint problem, or illness can use wheelchairs.

People with temporary or long-term medical conditions that make walking difficult can also use them.

Benefits Of A Transport Chair

Ease of movement when transferring from one place to another – A transport chair can easily be pushed and moved around. It also has a headrest and footrest that help safely and securely transfer patients. Wheelchairs also come with a foot brake to help slow down and stop the chair when needed.
Convenient for users – Transport chairs are easy to use and can be moved around easily by a single person. They can also carry a person lying down on a bed, making it easy to transfer them from one place to another.
Safe and secure – Wheelchairs have safety belts that keep the person sitting in the chair. They also come with a headrest that easily transfers someone lying down.

Is It Better To Use A Wheelchair Or A Transport Chair?

The choice is up to you and depends on various things.

The type of condition you have, your ability to walk, and your location are the main factors that will help you decide which one is better for you.

Use a transport chair if your condition is temporary or you need help moving from one place to another.

Using a wheelchair indoors and outdoors is a good option if you have a long-term condition.

It is up to you to decide which one suits your needs and lifestyle best.

What To Consider When Choosing Between The Two?

Your Ability – A wheelchair is the best option if you cannot walk. If you have an injury and might be able to walk again in the future, a wheelchair might not be a good idea. In such situations, it is better to use a transport chair.
Mobility – This is another factor that can help you decide which one to choose. If you have limited mobility, a wheelchair is the better choice. However, a transport chair is the better choice if you can walk but have a condition that makes it difficult for you to walk for long periods.x Content
Your Condition – This is another essential thing to consider before choosing between the two. If you have a long-term condition that makes it difficult for you to walk, a wheelchair is the best option for you.
Distance – If you are moving short distances, a transport chair is the best option. As a result, patients can be transferred safely and securely.


Can you use a transport chair like a wheelchair?

Yes, it is possible to use a transport chair like a wheelchair. However, it is essential to note that transport chairs are designed for people who cannot walk or have difficulty walking and are not meant to be used as a wheelchair replacement. Transport chairs typically have smaller wheels than wheelchairs and have a higher seat back, making them more challenging to maneuver. Additionally, transport chairs usually do not have the same level of adjustability as wheelchairs, so they may not be as comfortable for people to use long-term.

What is the biggest difference between a transport chair and a lightweight wheelchair?

The major differences between a transport chair and a lightweight wheelchair is that a transport chair is designed to be pushed by another person, while a lightweight wheelchair is intended to be self-propelled. Transport chairs are typically smaller and lighter than standard wheelchairs, making them easier to transport. They also usually have narrower seats and shorter armrests, making them more comfortable for people with limited mobility.

Which is easier to push, a wheelchair or a transport chair?

It varies on different factors, such as the weight of the person in the chair, the type of terrain, and the strength of the person pushing the chair. In general, however, a wheelchair is more accessible to push than a transport chair. Unlike a transport chair, a wheelchair can be moved by someone. Transport chairs are also heavier than wheelchairs, making them more challenging to push.

Tiny Nair

Article by

Tiny Nair, MD, DM, FACC, FRCP, is a cardiologist and head of Dept of Cardiology at PRS Hospital in Trivandrum. He is also an author, fluent in Middle English and offers consultations on finding the best wheelchair according to individual needs.