How Much Does A Wheelchair Weigh? A Complete Guide 2023

Written By Cardiologist
How Much Does A Wheelchair Weigh? A Complete Guide 2023

How much does a wheelchair weigh?

The weight of a wheelchair can vary depending on the type of wheelchair and the materials it is made from.

A quick answer:

Manual wheelchairs typically weigh between 20 and 35 pounds (9-16 kg), while electric wheelchairs can weigh between 50 and 100 pounds (22-45 kg) or more.

Lightweight manual wheelchairs can weigh as little as 14 pounds (6.3 kg) and heavy-duty manual wheelchairs can weigh over 40 pounds (18 kg).

Transport wheelchairs, which are smaller and more portable than standard wheelchairs, can weigh as little as 10 pounds (4.5 kg).

It’s important to consider the weight of a wheelchair when deciding on the type of wheelchair and when considering how the wheelchair will be transported and stored.

What is the average weight of a wheelchair?

What is the average weight of a wheelchair?

The average weight of a wheelchair is around 20 pounds, and the average wheelchair weight range is between 18 and 26 pounds.

If you are looking for a lightweight wheelchair, consider the following: – What type of wheelchair do you need? – Is lightweight acceptable or do you need something sturdier? – Do you have limited mobility or strength? – What are your budget and available resources?

Types of Wheelchairs and Weights

Manual Wheelchairs – These models are typically lightweight and weigh between 11 and 33 pounds. Since they are not motorized, they are easy to maneuver and operate. These models are not recommended for people who are very overweight or have limited mobility.
Electric Wheelchairs – These models weigh between 55 and 120 pounds, which makes them a heavier option for many people. Electric Wheelchairs are not just for those with limited mobility. If you have a long commute to and from work or have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, an electric wheelchair might be a good option for you. Electric Wheelchairs are great for people with longer or heavier builds, as they are often stronger and can accommodate a wider range of heights and weights.
Transport Wheelchairs – These models are generally heavier than standard lightweight wheelchairs as they are designed to be sturdy and travel well. Transport Wheelchairs often have larger, thicker wheels and are meant for longer distances and tough terrain.
Lightweight Wheelchairs – These models are generally the lightest in terms of weight. Models can be anywhere between 9 and 14 pounds and are often made of aluminum. Lightweight Wheelchairs are a good option for people with limited strength who are looking for a chair that is easy to lift. They are also a good choice for anyone who needs to transport their chair often, as they are easy to store and fit into smaller spaces.
Heavy-Duty Wheelchairs – These models are heavier than standard lightweight wheelchairs, but might be a better option for people with heavier builds. Heavy-duty models can weigh from 33 up to 70 pounds, and often have a wider seat and backrest to accommodate larger bodies and longer distances.

Factors That Affect Wheelchair Weight

The size of the chair – Wheelchairs come in different sizes, and larger chairs can weigh more than smaller ones. If a wheelchair is too small, it can also be uncomfortable and unsafe, so be sure to get the right size.
The type of the chair – Wheelchair types vary in weight, from lightweight transport chairs to heavier, high-end, power wheelchairs. The type of wheelchair you choose can greatly affect weight. For example, lightweight models tend to be the easiest and lightest to maneuver, but they are not designed to withstand harsh weather conditions or take heavy use. Heavy-duty models are great for outdoor use; they are built thicker and are often more durable. They are not as easy to use indoors, though, and can be too heavy for some people to maneuver.
The materials used – The materials used to build a wheelchair can affect the overall weight, as well as the style of the chair. For example, a wheelchair made of lightweight, aluminum components is typically lighter than a chair made of carbon fiber.
Weight capacity – Some wheelchairs have a weight capacity and can only be used by people weighing less than a certain amount. Others have fixed weight capacities and can be used by people of all weights.
Fabric and Design – The type of fabric and design you choose can also affect the weight. Fabrics vary in thickness, with outdoor models often being thicker and more durable than indoor, lightweight models. Designs can also vary, with some wheelchairs having thicker frames or armrests, which can add weight to the chair.
Wheel size and style can greatly affect how heavy your wheelchair is. Smaller wheels are lighter and are often found on lighter and smaller wheelchairs, such as transport or folding wheelchairs. Larger wheels tend to be found on heavier, outdoor models and can weigh between 20 and 30 pounds.

Why Wheelchair Weight Is Important?

How to Choose the Right Wheelchair

Wheelchair weight is important for several reasons:

Portability: A lighter wheelchair is easier to transport and maneuver, which can be especially important for people who need to travel frequently or rely on others to help them transport the wheelchair.
Independence: A lighter wheelchair is easier for the user to push and maneuver on their own, which can increase the user’s independence and ability to move around in their environment.
Safety: A lighter wheelchair is less likely to cause injury to the user or the person assisting the user, as it is easier to lift and move.
Storage: A lighter wheelchair is easier to store, as it takes up less space and is easier to move around.
Cost: Lighter wheelchairs are often less expensive to manufacture and therefore may be less expensive to purchase.
Energy-efficiency: A lighter wheelchair will be less tiring for the user to push, and therefore they can go further distances and have more energy to do other things.


This guide is a helpful resource for anyone who is looking for information on wheelchair weights. The different models and types of wheelchairs all come with their own weights, with some being heavier than others.

You can choose a wheelchair based on your needs and how often you will be transporting it, as well as your build and frame. Remember to carefully consider the factors that affect wheelchair weight so you can choose the best model for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an 18 wheelchair weigh?

The weight of a wheelchair can vary greatly depending on the type of wheelchair and the material it is made from. Generally, a standard 18″ wheelchair can weigh anywhere from 33-50 lbs. This weight can change if the wheelchair is made from a lightweight material or if it includes certain features such as power assist wheels, adjustable footrests, and more. For example, an 18″ wheelchair made from carbon fiber can weigh as little as 17 lbs.

How many kg does a wheelchair weigh?

Manual wheelchairs typically weigh anywhere from 11 to 19 kg, depending on the size and type. Standard wheelchairs are usually 12 to 14 kg, while lightweight wheelchairs are usually closer to 11 kg. Bariatric wheelchairs, which are designed for heavier people, can weigh anywhere from 15 to 19 kg.
Powered wheelchairs are typically heavier than manual wheelchairs, weighing anywhere from 28 to 50 kg. Smaller powered wheelchairs can range from 28 to 35 kg, while larger powered wheelchairs can range from 38 to 50 kg.
The exact weight of your wheelchair will depend on the type and size you get. If you’re looking for something lightweight and easy to maneuver, you may want to opt for a manual wheelchair. But if you need more power or support, a powered wheelchair may be your best option.

how heavy is a wheelchair

The weight of a wheelchair can vary greatly depending on the type of wheelchair and its features. On average, manual wheelchairs weigh between 20 and 35 pounds, while electric wheelchairs can weigh between 50 and 150 pounds or more. Lightweight wheelchairs, such as those made of aluminum, can weigh as little as 15 pounds, while heavier wheelchairs, such as those made of steel, can weigh up to 50 pounds or more. The weight of a wheelchair is an important consideration for users, as well as for caregivers who may need to transport the wheelchair.

how much does a power wheelchair weigh

The weight of a power wheelchair can vary greatly depending on the model and features. On average, a power wheelchair can weigh between 100 and 200 pounds, with some models weighing as much as 300 pounds or more. The weight of a power wheelchair is an important consideration for users, as well as for caregivers who may need to transport the wheelchair. Lightweight power wheelchairs, which are designed for portability, can weigh as little as 70 pounds. On the other hand, heavy-duty power wheelchairs, which are designed for outdoor use or for larger individuals, can weigh up to 350 pounds or more. It is important to consider the weight of a power wheelchair when choosing a model, especially if it will be frequently transported.

Tiny Nair

Article by

Tiny Nair, MD, DM, FACC, FRCP, is a cardiologist and head of Dept of Cardiology at PRS Hospital in Trivandrum. He is also an author, fluent in Middle English and offers consultations on finding the best wheelchair according to individual needs.